INCOMING - Non-EU Exchange

We welcome numerous students from non-European countries to the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics each year. The International Support is here to help with all study-related questions and issues during the exchange stay in Vienna.

If you have any questions and enquiries regarding organisational matters of your stay or the Non-EU Exchange Program, please contact the central International Office in the main university building.

Semester Dates

The University of Vienna may have different semester and holiday dates compared to your home university. Please look up our dates before you book any journeys.

Semester dates at the University of Vienna

The final exams for the summer semester usually take place during the semester or the last week of June. In exceptional cases, there might be exams in the first few days of July, but this depends on the lecturer.


We do not offer classes specifically for exchange students. As nominated exchange students you may register for any bachelor's and master's courses offered by following study programmes at our faculty:

  • Business Administration
  • International Business Administration
  • Economics
  • Applied Economics
  • Statistics


  • Compiling their individual timetables is the students' responsibility, you have to make sure beforehand that no overlaps occur (all times are available on u:find before the registration).

    If an overlap only happens once, you can arrange your absence from one of courses (tell the lecturer!) during one session - depending on the lecturer you are allowed to miss the equivalent of two or three regular 90-minute sessions of a course. If the overlaps are more frequent, it is advisable to look for different classes.
    Please note, there is no compulsory attendance for lectures (VOs), so, while we strongly recommend you attend all sessions, it's not a problem if you miss time there.
  • It is not permitted to attend classes from the master's programmes Banking & Finance, Business Analytics and the Research Master Economics and Finance.
  • It is not permitted to attend business communication classes in your mother tongue.

  • We do not recommend attending any classes which are part of the introductory module (StEOp) in the Bachelor's programme.

  • Department of Finance:

     Undergraduate students must not take Master's classes! Especially the classes "Special Topics in Banking and Finance" are advanced courses. Therefore, students should only enrol if they already have good prior knowledge in finance.
    More basic finance courses are ABWL Basic Finance I + II.
    One group of ABWL Basic Finance II is taught in English.

PLEASE NOTE: You have to check very carefully if you have the required knowledge to attend a class. This applies especially to bachelor's students who wish to take classes at master's level! If in doubt, please contact the respective lecturer about this.

Should it become apparent in the course of the semester that you do not have sufficient knowledge to follow a class properly, the lecturer has the right to expel you from their class!


Online course catalogue (u:find)

Courses offered by our faculty can be found in the online course catalogue on U:FIND  in the section 'Directorate of Studies 4 - Business, Economics and Statistics'. The courses are organised according to study programme (BA, MA, PhD, electives).

The language of the course catalogue can changed to English by clicking on the button in the upper-right corner and chosing 'EN' instead of 'DE'.
Each course's language of instruction can be checked in the course description.

Please note, the course number may change each semester even if the content does not.

Course descriptions can be found under 'Information' for the respective course or on the homepage of the respective departments or divisions.

Please note:

  • The course catalogue for the upcoming winter semester are usually published in mid/end July.
  • The course catalogue for the upcoming summer semester are usually published in mid/end January.

Please use the course catalogues fromprevious semester for orientation. Usually, only minor changes are made to the course offer.

Course Registration

Exchange students are NOT prioritised regarding course registration at our faculty! You have to register during the course registration period like our regular students.

There is therefore NO GUARANTEE that you will be accepted in all your desired courses!
Especially in highly sought-after specialisations such as Management or Marketing, there are often long waiting lists.

Registration for courses has to be done online via U:SPACE.

The exact dates of the registration period will be announced on the website of the faculty's StudyServiceCenter (SSC) for each semester.

The registration system and the course organisers automatically and exclusively use your u:account e-mail address for e-mail notifications and correspondence. So please check it regularly!

Our registration system is preference-based, you are required to allocate points to your chosen courses. The more points you allocate, the higher the chances that you will be accepted into the course. -> More information on the registration system

  • Please note: Exchange students are NOT prioritised regarding course registration at our faculty! We hence highly recommend registering for more credits than you actually need, since it is possible that you may not get into all of your desired courses.

If you end up on the waiting list and still would like to attend, you can either contact the course organiser or go to the first session of the course. State that you are an exchange student and politely ask if you mitght be accepted into the course. Please note that course organisers are NOT obliged to accept you to a course because of you being an exchange student.

Transcript of Records

The University of Vienna does not send transcripts of records anymore, neither via post nor via e-mail. Students can download and print out the transcript of records with an electronic signature via the u:space service.
Detailed information can be found on the website of the International Office.

If your home university insists on a signed and stamped copy of the transcript, please contact the International Support.