General Information - Courses and Exams


  • Courses with continuous assessment (UK, VK, SE, KU, ...)

In courses with continuous assessment, partial achievements, either in written or oral form, are required throughout the course. Therefore, attendance at these courses is compulsory. The oral and/or written partial achievements form the basis for assessment. Students who did not successfully complete a course with continuous assessment have to take the course again. Students can take courses with continuous assessment four times in total.

Since winter semester 2019/20, registration for the fourth and last attendance of a course with continuous assessment (“prüfungsimmanent”) cannot be completed through the online course registration system. If you try to register, you will receive an error message asking you to contact the SSC. Within the registration period, please send an e-mail to requesting registration for the fourth attendance, including your name, matriculation number as well as the title and course code of the class. The SSC will then pre-register you for the course and will send you a confirmation e-mail. After receiving this e-mail, you have to allocate the desired number of points and at the end of the registration period the places will be allocated as usual.

Step-by-Step explanation on registration for courses with continuous assessment

  • courses with non-continuous assessment (VO)

Attendance at these courses is not compulsory. A student’s performance is assessed by an examination. Students have the opportunity to re-take each examination three times. The fourth and last examination attempt is held before an examination committee. This means that the student’s performance is assessed by an examination committee.
Examinations take place at the end of the semester, at the beginning of the following semester and in the middle of the following semester. Further information on examination dates is available on the relevant department websites.

Step-by-Step explanations on registration for npi courses

Students can take courses with non-continuous assessment without registration. However, it is important to register for the desired examination date via u:space.


Course examinations are used to assess the performance of courses with non-continuous assessment. The dates and registration phases are announced in u:find directly at the course.

In courses with non-continuous assessment, students have four permitted examination attempts. The fourth and last examination attempt must be held before an examination committee. This means that your performance is assessed by an examination committee.

  • Examination before an Examination Committee

When you try to register for the last examination, the system will inform you that you should contact the StudiesServiceCenter. Please request the registration for the exam via SSC-servicedesk under "registration for commissional exam": HERE
The SSC will register you in the system. For information on how the examination before an examination committee will take place, please contact the secretary's office in the department or the lecturer.

Attempts of examinations

Students can repeat examinations a maximum of three times, which means that four attempts are permitted in total.  

The fourth and last of the examination attempts you are allowed to take in order to pass a course with non-continuous assessment must be held before an examination committee.

If you do not pass the examination of a course with continuous assessment, you have to repeat the entire course. If you do not pass the fourth examination attempt of a course with/without continuous assessment before the examination committee, you will be permanently excluded from your degree programme and from all other degree programmes whose compulsory courses include the exam you failed.

Please bear in mind that the decision on excluding a student from a degree programme is not affected by the fact that the course the student failed is a compulsory or an elective course.



Retaking previously passed examinations

Students are entitled to retake passed examinations up to twelve months after taking them, but no later than the end of the respective stage of the degree programme or the programme as a whole. The result of the passed examination becomes null and void when the exam is retaken.