Bachelor - 1st Semester

1st Semester

It would be ideal if you have already positively completed the STEOP in the first semester in the middle of the semester (1st examination date), so that you can then still take course examinations for lectures of the core phase (courses with non-continuous assessment). You can register and attend the core phase lectures via u:find parallel to the STEOP lectures in order to hear the material and take the corresponding examinations immediately after passing the STEOP.

Particularities in the 1st semester:

UE Mathematics 1

You have the possibility to get a place in UE Mathematics 1, which only starts in the second half of the semester, if you have positively completed the STEOP in the middle of the semester.

If you are interested, you can register for the Mathematics 1 unit during the registration period before the start of the semester. Create the record up to the error message (STEOP missing). The status remains "created prerequisite examination" as long as the STEOP is not fulfilled. After the first registration phase, those who have already fulfilled the STEOP will get a place in the first step. After the STEOP examinations in the middle of the semester, the registration for remaining places will be opened again and further interested persons will be allocated once more, so that you also have the chance to get a place even if you have only completed the STEOP in the middle of the semester. 

In the appendix of the curricula you will find recommended study paths for orientation (Link to Bachelorcurricula).

Preparation for the Business English Module

Students must provide evidence of at least level B2 in English of the European Framework of Reference before registering for Business English I (admission requirements).

Please ensure that you submit this proof in good time, i.e. before registering at the Department of Business Languages. You can get more information on this directly from the department.