- Registration periods 2020/21
- Subsequent registration phase
- Video: Course registration
- Types of courses
- Examination before an examination commitee
- Prerequisites for registration
- Allocation of available places
- Guideline for registration system: USPACE
- Problems with Registration
- Assistance
- Registration for Business English I
- Choice of courses Master IBW/BW - what to consider
- Course deregistration
- Register for Moodle
- Registration for extension curricula
Registration Phase WS2020/21
The registration Phase for the Wintersemester 2020/21 has been set for the folowing dates:
courses with non-continuous assessment:from 01.09.2020 09:00 - for the entire semester
for all other courses: 14.09.2020 09:00 - 23.09.2020 12:00
The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment (lectures, etc.) is only possible via u:find.
The student representatives are offering a guided registration in PC Lab 1 and 2 (OMP) at the following times:
17.09 13:00 until 17:00
18.09 13:00 until 17:00
19.09 09:00 until 13:00
Subsequent Registration
The subsequent registration phase will take place 25.02.2021 (09:00) - 26.02.2021 (12:00) .
For Bachelor's additional courses will be opened.
For Master's additional courses will be opened. In addtion all courses are reopened and you can switch courses.
If you deregister from a course or from a waitinglist, you get your points back and can allocate them on another course during this time. Please use this opportunity to possibly switch to less freuquented courses.
The following courses are newly opened (list will be continuously updated)
- 040283 Bachelorseminar (Karagiannis)
- 040019 Bachelorseminar (Hohenwarter-Mayr)
- NK 040317 Internationales Privat-und Unternehmensrecht
- NK 040324 Spanisch - Wirtschaftskommunikation I
- NK 040328 Organization of the International Firm
- NG 040132 (Gr. 8) UE Statistik 1
- NG 040169 (Gr. 3)Lineare Algebra (UE)
- NG 040124 (Gr. 5 & 6) UE Mathematik 2 (2 neue Gruppen)
- NG 040131 Business English I (Gruppe 6)
- NG 040130 Business English II (Gruppe 6)
- NK 040330 Französisch - Wirtschaftskommunikation in der zweiten Fremdsprache II
- NK 040332 Französisch - Wirtschaftskommunikation in der zweiten Fremdsprache I
- NG 040229 Politikinhalte der EU (MA) (zusätzliche Gruppe)
- NK 040316 Rechtsfragen der Corporate Governance (MA)
- NK 040317 Internationales Privat-und Europarecht
- NK 040322 International Negotiations (MA)
- NG 040151-2 Wirtschafstsoziologie-Einführung (MA) (zusätzliche Gruppe)
- NK 040325 KU Marktforschung (MA)
- NK 040327 Konsumentenverhalten (MA)
- NK 040324 Spanisch - Wirtschaftskommunikation I
- NK 040329 Englisch - Wirtschaftskommunikation III (2 zusätzliche Gruppen)
- NK 040330 Französisch - Wirtschaftskommunikation in der zweiten Fremdsprache II
- NK 040332 Französisch - Wirtschaftskommunikation in der zweiten Fremdsprache I
Video: Course Registration
Types of courses
Courses with continuous assessment
In courses with continuous assessment, partial achievements, either in written or oral form, are required throughout the course. Therefore, attendance at these courses is compulsory. The oral and/or written partial achievements form the basis for assessment. Students who did not successfully complete a course with continuous assessment have to take the course again. Students can take courses with continuous assessment four times in total.
From the winter semester 2019/20 onwards, registration for the fourth and a last attendance of a course with continuous assessment (“prüfungsimmanent”) cannot be completed through the online course registration system. If you try to register, you will receive an error message asking you to contact the SSC. Within the registration period, please send an e-mail requesting registration for the fourth attendance, including your name, matriculation number as well as the title and course code of the class, to The SSC will then pre-register you for the course and will send you a confirmation e-mail. After receiving this e-mail, you have to allocate the desired number of points and at the end of the registration period the places will be allocated as usual.
courses with non-continous assessment
Attendance at these courses is not compulsory. A student’s performance is assessed by an examination. Students have the opportunity to re-take each examination three times. The fourth and last examination attempt is held before an examination committee. This means that the student’s performance is assessed by an examination committee.
Examinations take place at the end of the semester, at the beginning of the following semester and in the middle of the following semester. Further information on examination dates is available on the relevant department websites.
Step-by-Step explanations on registerin for npi courses can be found here
Students can take courses with non-continuous assessment without registration. However, it is important to register for the desired examination date via U:SPACE.
Examination before an examination committee
In courses with non-continuous assessment, students have four permitted examination attempts. The fourth and last examination attempt must be held before an examination committee. This means that your performance is assessed by an examination committee.
You have to register for this examination at the StudiesServiceCenter. Please send an e-mail to and provide the corresponding code number and the desired examination date.
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not pass a course with continuous assessment or an examination of a course with non-continuous assessment at the fourth examination attempt, you will be excluded from the respective degree programme as well as from all other degree programmes at the University of Vienna whose compulsory courses include the course you failed.
Please bear in mind that you will also be excluded from your degree programme if you fail an elective subject four times. If you have any questions regarding a possible exclusion, please refer to the StudiesServiceCenter or the directorate of studies BEFORE taking the examination.
Prerequisites for registration
You have to meet all the necessary requirements according to the curriculum of your degree programme to be able to register for courses.
The registration system U:SPACE supports you electronically in checking the prerequisites for registration. However, errors may occur during registration for different reasons. If you registered for a course by mistake, even though you do not meet the necessary requirements according to the curriculum, you are not entitled to attend the course. Please refer to the curriculum of your degree programme for information about the different prerequisites.
As a general rule for all bachelor’s programmes, you have to complete the introductory and orientation period (STEOP) before you can register for any other courses.
How are places allocated and how to I accolcate points?
At the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, the allocation of available places for courses follows a system of points. 1,000 points are available to each student. Students can allocate these points to courses.
Supply and demand determine the allocation of places. The points allocated to courses reflect students’ preferences for a particular course.
This means: The more points a student allocated to a course, the more important it is for the student to attend it.
Preference points in Groups
Should a course be offerend in different gourps. several different seminars are offered on different days of the week in the same semester, but with similar content, students must also choose a preference.
During the registration period for this course, all offered courses are displayed (often referred to as groups). You can then rank the offered courses according to your preference. Thus your favourite course appears on top of the list, the course that would be acceptable as well takes second place and so on.
After the registration period has ended, the places are distributed. The system will try to enable participation in the course of highest preference. If more students have chosen the course as their primary perference than there are free places, the second preference will be considered, and so on.
Due to this system an average of 98% of all students receive a place in a course.
Transferring points from the previous semester to the following semester
If you are on the waiting list for a certain course (status “Warteliste” (on waiting list) or “Warteliste abgelaufen” (waiting list expired)), the points allocated to this course will be automatically credited to the same course if you try to register for it again in the next semester. The points from the previous semester are then added to the newly assigned points.
You cannot use points transferred from the previous semester to register for any other courses. They appear in the box “Punkte aus dem Vorsemester” (points from the previous semester) for your information.
Prioritisation of certain groups of students
For reasons of limited resources, some courses (such as business languages and subjects from the field of law) are restricted to students of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics. This means that students of other degree programmes at the University of Vienna will at first always be listed on the waiting list, regardless of how many points they allocated to the course. After the registration period has expired, these students will be admitted to the course if there are still places available.
Guideline for the registration system U:SPACE
You can only register for courses and examinations within the registration period for courses or within the registration period for examinations.
If you wish to register for courses via U:SPACE, you will need a valid U:NET account. You have to re-activate this account at the beginning of each semester.
The registration system follows a system of points that allocates 1,000 points to each student at the beginning of the semester. Students may then allocate these points to courses with continuous assessment.
Registration for courses with non-continuous assessment does not follow this system of points.
You can access the registration system either via U:SPACE or via the course directory U:FIND.
You have to assign every course to the appropriate module, indicating for which module point in your degree programme you would like to use this course. It is important that you assign the courses correctly. The system will then recognise if you have to fulfil any requirements for this course. If you encounter any problems in the process, please contact the StudiesServiceCenter.
For example: You are currently in your second semester and have selected the course “VO ABWL Production and Logistics I”. You need this course for the core phase of the bachelor’s programme in Business Administration and should therefore select this module in U:SPACE:
Try to avoid changing courses or groups at the last minute before the registration period ends. Otherwise, we cannot assume responsibility for a successful pre-registration.
Problems with registration
We advise students to register for courses at the BEGINNING of the registration period via U:SPACE. If any problems occur, please immediately send an e-mail to
Describe the problem that occurred during registration and indicate your name, student ID number and the code of the course.
If your e-mail arrives BEFORE the end of the registration period, we will take it into consideration. We will not start allocating places before we have processed all e-mails that reached us before the end of the deadline.
If your e-mail reaches us after the registration period has ended, we can not take it into consideration.
Please refrain from calling or visiting the StudiesServiceCenter if you have any problems during registration. We can help you better, in a more structured way and more quickly, if you contact us via e-mail. Calling the StudiesServiceCenter or coming to the office does NOT speed up the process.
Please make sure that the data set for the courses until the error message is saved in U:SPACE. This way, the StudiesServiceCenter employees can access your data set faster and help you.
Please check if everything has been changed correctly as soon as you have heard back from the StudiesServiceCenter.
A common problem causing error messages to pop up is a missing recognition or a module point (curriculum point) that was assigned incorrectly. Please check whether the module points of your completed courses are accurate.
Register for Moodle
For e-learning courses, the University of Vienna provides the university-wide Moodle learning platform under
You can also access this platform if you are not registered for courses. It is important that you click the Moodle link in the course directory and follow the guideline to register for the relevant course.
The Vienna University Computer Center can provide support if you have questions or problems regarding Moodle.
If you encounter any problems when registering for courses, you can turn to the students’ representatives who offer supervised course registration. This service is available at the dates below.
Supervised course registration takes place at the beginning of the semester in the computer rooms at Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1.
The dates will be announced in time on this website.
courses. They appear in the box “Punkte aus dem Vorsemester” (points from the previous semester) for your information.
Registration for Business English
Business English is part of the Coremodules in the Bachelorprogrammes Business Administration and International Business Administration. The module consists of 2 courses than should be attended after the Steop.
In order to register for the courses, proof of English profiency at Level B2 (see Zulassungsvorraussetzungen). This proof has to be handed in at the department for Business Languages BEFORE the course registration.
Course deregistration
If you did not deregister from a course nor complete it (meaning that you were not graded), you will not be able to register for the same course again in the following semester.
We therefore recommend deregistration from courses before the deadline expires. After the deadline has expired, you can only be deregistered from the course following the approval of the lecturer.
You can deregister from courses within the deadline via U:SPACE using the button “Abmelden” (deregister) next to the relevant course.
Registration for extension curricula
If your degree programme requires you to complete extension curricula (EC), you can select any EC from the range of extension curricula offered at the University of Vienna. The curriculum indicates whether or not you may complete an EC from your own degree programme (which is usually not the case) under section “Registrierungsvoraussetzungen” (registration requirements). You have to complete the introductory and orientation period before you can register for extension curricula. You are obliged to register for the extension curriculum before you can complete any courses from it.
You can register for the intended extension curriculum via U:SPACE (under “Studium” (studies) > “Erweiterungscurricula” (extension curricula)). You can then register for courses of the extension curriculum. Deregistration is also possible via U:SPACE. You have completed an extension curriculum as soon as you have passed all the courses required according to the EC. Your degree certificate as well as the Diploma Supplement will both list the EC.
Further information about extension curricula is available on the Student Point website.
Choice of courses in Master BW/IBW - what to consider
in the Masterprogrammes Internationale Betriebswirtschaft and Betriebswirtschaft, there are some Major/Minor specializations that on a regular basis have long waiting lists. You will be able, in the registration system, to identify these courses and choose if to adjust your points accordingly or switch to a less frequented specialization.
Another important aspect to consider, as you choose your courses, is where you are planning to write your master´s thesis. Some departments require your to have passed specific courses in order to write your thesis in these areas. We therefor strongly advise to check the webpages and think about your thesis prior to the selection of your specialization.